School Lunches
Morning Break
Foundation and Key Stage 1 children are all offered a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable every day as part of the governments Free Fruit and Vegetable scheme. Please inform us of any allergies to fruit or vegetables that your child may have. Children may bring fruit or healthy eating type snacks to eat during this time. Crisps, biscuits, chocolate bars etc. are not permitted for the morning break and sweets or chewing gum must not be brought to school. We encourage children to be ‘healthy eaters’ and seek parents’ support with this. Children may bring a cold drink (not fizzy).
Foundation age children are offered free school milk daily.
School Meals
School meals are prepared in our kitchen and served in the hall. Children have a choice of menu both with main meal and pudding. A drink is also provided.
Dinner money must be paid in advance by parents using the School Money online payments system which can be accessed by clicking the link below.
Free School Meals are supplied to children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits. If you feel your child may be entitled to a free meal please ask at the school office. All children in Foundation and years 1 and 2 will also be entitled to free school meals.
Children may bring a packed lunch for their mid – day break if parents prefer. All containers for food / drinks must be ‘non – breakable’ and clearly named. Children can choose the type of meal they have on a daily basis.
IMPORTANT: A proportion of our annual school funding and pupil premium funding is based on the number of pupils entitled to free school meals. This makes a huge difference to our school’s total funding. It is therefore in the school’s interest that those who are eligible apply for these meals even though these meals might not be taken up. Please contact the school office for more information.
Please click on the logo to be taken direct to the SchoolMoney website to pay for your child(ren)’s lunches:
Parents guide to using School Money – SchoolMoney User Guide.pdf
The School Kitchen
From 15th April 2024 the cost of a hot 2 course school dinner is £2.75.
Payment for school dinners should be made online using SchoolMoney (please click the logo above).
If you do not have a SchoolMoney account please contact the school office.
School Menu
Please click on the link below to see the current 3 weekly menu.
School Lunches
Information, including the weekly menu, relating to School Meals can be found on the link below:
To allow you and your children to see what appetising meals they could be eating just follow the link to the Catered website (above), click on Menus and Prices, Click on Ed’s Super Fantastic Schools meals and when you click on each meal it will give you a picture.
CATERed Video
Please click on the link below to view CATERed’s newly produced video which was shot at Drake Primary School with the support of the school staff, pupils and CATERed staff to show what they do every day, where their produce and food comes from and how they work with schools and pupils.
Free School Meals
Your child is entitled to Free School Meals if you are in receipt of:
- Income Support
- Income based jobseekers allowance
- Employment and support allowance (income related)
- Child tax credit without working tax credit with an annual income of less than £16,190
- Guaranteed element of the state pension credit
- Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Universal Credit – from 1 April 2018 provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400
- Support under Part VI of the immigration and asylum act 1999
Parents of current registered pupils – please click here to access the online Free School Meals form.
If your child is starting school for the first time in September, details of how to apply will be provided in your application pack.
If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 01752 337427.
Food Standards from January 2015
Our menu meets the new food standards. These include:
- 1 or more portions of vegetables or salad as an accompaniment every day
- at least 3 different fruits, and 3 different vegetables each week
- an emphasis on wholegrain foods in place of refined carbohydrates
- an emphasis on making water the drink of choice: no more than 2 portions a week of food that has been deep fried, batter coated, or breadcrumb coated
- limiting fruit juice portions to 150mls
- restricting the amount of added sugars or honey in other drinks to 5%
- no more than 2 portions of food which include pastry each week
Packed Lunches
Please click on the link below for ideas on Healthy Lunchboxes: